
[Spot] The Biggest Number of Fans to See Kim Soo-hyun in Thailand

On March 29th, thousands of fans gathered in Suvarnabhumi Airport to welcome Kim Soo-hyun’s visit to Thailand. About 2500 fans lined up in an orderly manner to see him in person.
Some of the fans waited for 24 hours at the airport and the banisters on the 2nd and 3rd floors were also filled with fans welcoming Kim Soo-hyun.
The fans caught everyone’s eyes making way in an orderly manner for Kim Soo-hyun when he was leaving the airport. About a thousand of fans who failed to go inside the airport lined up outside a few hundred meters and waved at Kim Soo-hyun as he was driving off.
He opened the car window greeted the fans with a nod waving at them. The fans could not leave the airport even after Kim Soo-hyun left and greeted each other.
The airport was heated up not only with the fans but also the reporters from the local media including the newspaper, the magazine and the broadcast for the press conference. The competition to cover the event was so fierce that anyone could realize how popular he is in Thailand.
At the end of last month, the 3,000 tickets to his fan meeting ‘Kim Soo Hyun Asia Tour 1st Memories in Bangkok’, which will be held on March 30st were sold out in just 2 minutes, the least amount of time on record. Along with the biggest number of fans gathered in an airport to Kim Soo-hyun in person, it shows how much attention has been given to him.
Written by Han Jihee, Photo by KeyEast, Translated by Lee Sarah
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