
[Spot] The Biggest Number of Fans to See Kim Soo-hyun in Thailand

On March 29th, thousands of fans gathered in Suvarnabhumi Airport to welcome Kim Soo-hyun’s visit to Thailand. About 2500 fans lined up in an orderly manner to see him in person.
Some of the fans waited for 24 hours at the airport and the banisters on the 2nd and 3rd floors were also filled with fans welcoming Kim Soo-hyun.
The fans caught everyone’s eyes making way in an orderly manner for Kim Soo-hyun when he was leaving the airport. About a thousand of fans who failed to go inside the airport lined up outside a few hundred meters and waved at Kim Soo-hyun as he was driving off.
He opened the car window greeted the fans with a nod waving at them. The fans could not leave the airport even after Kim Soo-hyun left and greeted each other.
The airport was heated up not only with the fans but also the reporters from the local media including the newspaper, the magazine and the broadcast for the press conference. The competition to cover the event was so fierce that anyone could realize how popular he is in Thailand.
At the end of last month, the 3,000 tickets to his fan meeting ‘Kim Soo Hyun Asia Tour 1st Memories in Bangkok’, which will be held on March 30st were sold out in just 2 minutes, the least amount of time on record. Along with the biggest number of fans gathered in an airport to Kim Soo-hyun in person, it shows how much attention has been given to him.
Written by Han Jihee, Photo by KeyEast, Translated by Lee Sarah
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[Spot] Yoon Shi-yoon and Yeo Jin-goo’s New Movie ‘Mr. Perfect'

 Yoon Shi-yoon and Yeo Jin-goo are doing the same pose as on the poster

Press screening for <Mr. Perfect> was held at the Lotte Cinema KonKuk University with the participation of the director Kim Myung-kyun and the cast including Yun Shi-yun, Yeo Jin-goo, Park Sang Myun and Lee Byung Joon.


The movie <Mr. Perfect> is a story of a former star-golfer Baek Se-Jin (Yoon Si-Yoon) who has lost everything from a drunken driving accident. He goes to an island to recover, and discovers a school that is about to be closed. To save the school that has 6 students, the trouble maker Lee Byeong-Joo (Yeo Jin-Goo) and innocent children go on an adventure.



Here are some of the questions asked to the actors during the press screening.
- How do you feel about acting without any dialogues and lines?
Yoon Shi-yoon – Still learning how to act, I actually felt under pressure thinking the fact that I had to act and express emotions without saying anything. But after the shooting began I started acting with the other actors and
I was able to act without lines and express various emotions.
- <To Yeo Jin-goo> You look younger than now. How do you feel about that?
Yeo Jin-goo – Well, I haven’t watched the movie yet. But I did watched the trailer and yeah, I definitely look younger in the movie. It would be strange a little to see myself looking young on the screen. But that actually gives me the chance to look back on the moment I was acting.
- <To Yoon Shi-yoon> You played a character who suffers a slump. Have you also been in a slump?
Yoon Shi-yoon – ‘Baek Se-Jin’ suffered a slump when he felt lost and had no idea what to do. But then he met the children and fell in love with golf again and got out of the slump. The movie doesn’t tell you whether Baek succeeds in the end. When I made a debut on a drama, the TV rating was 25%, then it went up to 50%. I think being complacent is the worst slump you can have.
- <To Yeo Jin-goo> You played a country boy living in an island. Are there any reasons for accepting the role?
Yeo Jin-goo – Well, I thought ‘Byung-ju’ was a very interesting character and I liked that the movie was about golf. ‘Byung-ju’ had many teachers who came to the island then went away, which let him down. Then he starts to recover from the hurt after he meets Mr, Baek. What is funny is that I didn’t need to wear much make-up as I naturally had my skin tanned working on an island. My skin is pretty dark anyway. (Laughter)
<To Park Sang-myun> You played Yeo Jin-goo’s father who is an alcoholic. Are there any acting tips?
Park Sang-myun – I don’t have any bad drinking habits. I had to remind myself of the feeling I have when I’m drunk. It’s been pretty long since the filming ended. Yeo Jin-goo, my son in the movie, had a small face and look very cute but he grew up a lot since then. I think I should call him ‘Mr. Yeo’. Speaking the dialect was challenging to me. There have been some problems until the release of the movie. I hope everything goes well now. Yeo Jin-goo’s starred in the movie before he appeared on ‘Moon Embracing the Sun’
<To Yoon Shi-yoon and  Yeo Jin-goo> The subject of the movie is golf. What effort did you make to play your characters?
ve become more interested in golf after this movie. Now I want to play golf more with people I know.shares his feelings with others through golf.
He is a gold prodigy who is trained by a former golfer who was hugely successful. I had golf lessons with Shi-yoon for 3 to 4 months and learned basic golf postures.
Can you tell me stories behind casting decisions?
Director – I wanted to cast Yeo Jin-goo after watching ‘King of Baking, Kim Takgu’. He is handsome and wants to act really well. He often makes me smile. I thought he was the right guy for his character. I was happy to hear that he liked the story of good people.
Yeo Jin-goo was in the sixth grade when I first met him. I couldn’t find anyone suitable for the character among all those actors who auditioned for the role. Then I came across Yeo Jin-goo in the movie ‘Sad Movie’. When I met him I saw ‘Lee Byung-ju’ from him. I liked the way he looked and his deep dark eyes. And he began shooting when he was in the 8th grade.
<To Yoon Shi-yoon and Yeo Jin-gu> How was it to play the teacher and the student each other in the movie?
Yoon Shi-yoon – It is not just an ordinary teacher and student relationship. The teacher lost his dream while the student never had one. Then they together found their dream, golf. Golf isn’t depicted as a hard sport in the movie. It is not only about teaching but also finding something together like friends or partners do. Yeo Jin-goo and I may look like friends or brothers in the movie.

Do you want to say anything to movie viewers?
Yoon Shi-yoon – I felt really appreciated about every part of the movie. It’s taken a long time to show you this movie since the beginning of the shooting. I think the movie can make every one of you happy. It’s a great movie to watch in the spring with people you love, your family and friends.
Yeo Jin-goo – We really wanted to show you this movie. It’s really great that we can finally release it. Spring is the best season to play golf, which makes it perfect to watch the movie. You should feel the spring watching the
movie with the people you love, your friends or family. Come to the cinema on April 3rd and watch it.
Any ‘movie pledges’ to make?
Yoon Shi-yoon – If the movie draws 5 million viewers I want Yeo Jin-goo to dance like a girl band.
Park Sang-myun – If it draws 5.5 million viewers I want to see both Yoon Shi-yoon and Yeo Jin-gu dance Girls’ Generation’s dance moves.
Yeo Jin-goo – If it is more than 5 million viewers I will dance like girl-bands with Yoon Shi-yoon.
Yeo Jin-goo, the youngest in the cast is also enjoying the press screening.
Everyone was cheerful especially after the long wait for the release of the movie.
Written by Han Jihee, Photographed by Ryuma, Translated by Lee Sarah

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NU’EST’s Successful Concerts in Japan


In two years since its debut, NU’EST held successful concerts, named ‘NU’EST Debut 2nd Anniversary Live ~Show Time 2~’, on March 21 and 23.

6,000 fans went to the four concerts. Two concerts were held at Theater Brava! in Osaka on Friday, March 21 and the other two concerts were held at ZEPP TOKYO in Tokyo on Sunday, March 23.

‘Let’s do our best!’ the group members are cheering each other up 


NU’EST had a special stage specially dedicated for Japanese fans. During the Korean language class time, the members acted like the characters of the drama ‘The Heirs’ in Japanese. The group members also spoke Japanese fluently during the entire concerts.

JR and Aron sang ‘Miss you’ by M-Flo, Baekho sang ‘Joyful’ by Ikimonogakari and danced with 11 Japanese kid dancers. Minhyun and Ren also sang Japanese songs and the audience loved it.

NU’EST also had a ‘high touch session’, where fans slap the flat of their palm against the flat palm of artists. Only those who bought ‘NU’EST goods’ could participated in the event. Among the members of ‘L.O.Λ.E Japan’, NU’EST’s fan club, 5 fans were chosen to meet the group members in person in the waiting room.

Minhyun of NU’EST is singing solo 

NU’EST has not made its debut in Japan officially but it is continuously gaining attention not only from Japanese fans but also from the media.

Along with the concerts in Korea and Japan, NU’EST is starting to produce a new album for the first half of the year.


◎Photo Gallery – 뉴이스트(NU’EST) Japan Concert


Written by Han Jihee, Photo by Pledis Entertainment, Translated by Lee Sarah


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[Interview] Passionate Actor – Lee Ji-Hoon (Part 2)

Lee Ji-Hoon ordered Green Tea Latte, but since it wasn’t on the menu, he didn’t get to drink what he wanted. I feel sorry for that even now, as I edit his interview – because he tried his best at answering every single question.

Hoping to buy him the Green Tea Latte in the next interview, here’s the second part of his interview, about his drama and personal life.

- It has been a year since your debut drama ‘School 2013’ ended. How do you feel?

I have the same thoughts for the ‘School 2013’ from the beginning – I’m thankful for the great director, and for the viewers who enjoyed the show. It is a precious drama that let my foot in acting.

- Before you were cast for the drama, you’re said to have had a great aspiration for acting.

While it can be too ambitious, I want to play all kinds of characters. I tink this is a mindset that only new actors can have. If it doesn’t change as time passes, it will become a passion.

- Are you still keeping in touch with ‘Oh-Yi-Ji’ (Oh Jeong-Ho, Lee Yi-Gyeong, Lee Ji-Hoon) members?

Well, we’re not talking to each other as much. Yi-Gyeong played the secretary for ‘You Came the Star,’ Jeong-Ho (Gwak Jeong-Wook) is shooting the movie and I’m busy with Golden Rainbow. Not much we could do. Since we are all busy, I tend to hesitate to contact them.

- You played the secretary of Jo Jung-Suk in ‘You’re the Best, Lee Soon-Shin.’ How was it?

It was a confusing role – it was a bit tough. Since I shot my first drama with people my age, I couldn’t get used to the formal environment at the scene. I was so nervous; looking back, I don’t know why I was.

I wanted to play ‘Jo In-Seong’ like a gangster, but how can such secretary exist? I wanted to make the drama enjoyable with my presence. Since IU cried so much in the drama, I wanted to make my scenes as the rest stops.

- You showed a great feat in ‘’Our Neighborhood Arts and Physical Education –Badminton’ Even the ratings went up.

I did my best when I got there. While the ratings increase was not solely because of me, I did my best.

- You also designed clothes in ‘Fashion King Korea.’

I started it because I wanted to learn, and I learned a lot. If I hadn’t met the designer Kim Hong-Beom, it would’ve been quite tough. He treated me so well, and I still keep in touch with him. Designer Park Yoon-Soo said that Kim will lead the Korean fashion in the future. It is my honor to have worked right next to him.

- How do you spend your time off

People tell me, “How do you live like that?’ I play soccer a lot. I don’t drink, and I don’t go to clubs. I just hang out with my friends Tae-Woong, Yo-Han, and my stylist, watch movies, and play soccer near my house. I meet many people because of soccer, and it is fun to people watch.

- It seems that you will only get a girlfriend once you stop playing soccer.

I don’t have much humor or wit, so girls will probably be bored. I also talk straightforward – I don’t hold anything back.

- Shouldn’t you save certain comments?

I say as I feel. I don’t hesitate to say ‘I love you,’ or ‘I miss you.’ I’m that way to my friends as well. I’m honest.

- Don’t you play any games? Like ‘LOL?’

I don’t know how to play such thing. (laughs)

- You used to reply all SNS comments from your fans

I’m not good at taking care of my fans. As I reply whatever I see, I often fail to reply to everything. I try to cheer up the older people, and give advices to those that are younger than me, as I have more experience.

In my case, I did not have any mentors who could give me advices on military services or my dream. Everyone was against my decisions. Mysteriously, my fans talk about their dreams. I think it is a good thing to share your dreams. I want to be a help for them.

- Talk to me about your dog ‘Sarang.’

I brought her here. (smiles) She’s sleeping in the car. I spend much of my time with her now. I play less soccer to play with her. I had some tough time, but she’s keeping me on my feet.

- Right. An actor needs such being.

‘Sarang’ is a female, and I don’t think I can find a girl like her. She keeps her eyes on me all day.

- Do you have a favorite K-Pop song or artist?

I like Changmin of TVXQ. For girl groups, I like Sistar.

- I heard that you were once a trainee at DSP.

It was a passing moment. I got in because I wanted to act – I didn’t want to become an idol. Because of certain circumstances, I took a different direction, but I could tell that I was getting depressed. I’ve come to make a firm decision on what I want.

- It must have become a chance for you to set your mind on acting.

I can’t be an idol. I’m terrible at dancing. If I become one, I would feel sorry for those who have the dream of becoming an idol. I don’t like dancing, so I don’t even go to clubs.

- Through dramas, actors are advancing overseas. Do you have any ambitions?

First of all, I want to get established as an actor in Korea. Once I do so, those things will naturally happen. I hope I can act as much as I can.

- It seems that you really want to act a lot

Whatever the role is, I’m for it. For movies, I’ll start with a walk-on. Since I’ve done three dramas, I hope I start to get bigger roles.

- What is your biggest concern these days?

I always look back on my acting – if I’m doing it right. I want to reflect upon myself, and plan for the next drama. I don’t have any other thoughts. I want to mature through my current drama. I also want to act in another drama as soon as possible.

Thanks to ‘Sarang,’ I’m doing alright (laughs) I’m always thinking how I can improve my acting.

- I’m sure you heard this question a lot – how do you want to be remembered as an actor.

I want to be an actor to be looked forward to, even during the breaks. Just like Shin Ha-Kyun. He doesn’t do much acting these days, so I keep re-watching ‘Brain.’

- Do you have anything else you want to say?

Can I say something to my friends?

- Whatever you’d like.

I originally wanted to say it on TV… Yo-Han works at the KBS sound team, I hope you work hard without thinking about other things. With Tae-Woong, we lost touch, but I was able to get in touch again – I felt the importance of the friendship. He once lost his purpose in life, but regained it through the parcel service. Even though others may look down on it, I’m really glad that he has found something he likes. I hope he treats me once we’re 30 years old.

And, I really want to do movies.

If you want to read more~

[Interview] Learning to Act – Lee Ji-Hoon (Part 1)

Upon his debut with the drama ‘School 2013,’ he made a good impression as an actor. Since then, he showed his presence in drama ‘You’re the Best, Lee Soon-Shin,’ as well as entertainment programs like ‘Our Neighborhood Arts and Physical Education,’ ‘Mamma Mia,’ ‘Fashion King.’ He is currently starring in the drama ‘Golden Rainbow’ as ‘Kim Yeol-Won.’

With his tall height and nice voice, he receives many praises from people around him. He says, “I like the vibe of the shooting scenes. It’s such a great thing to be able to capture the emotions from the actors.”

- The movie <Return Match> has been released. It’s not common for the short films to open in the theater.

I didn’t think about it – I’m not sure what to make of it yet. I’ve only been to VIP screenings, and when I saw myself on the screen, I almost cried. It was really nice to see myself in the screen.

In fact, when I got the propose for the movie, I decided to do it since the scenario was enjoyable, and I was also curious. It took about 7 days to shoot, but I really wanted to take more time. I didn’t realize it on the first day, but on the second day, I didn’t want to leave the scene. I thought it would’ve been nicer if it were to be a full-length film.

- Your character ‘ Han Oh-Gi is terrible at athletics, but you were a soccer player, and you studied athletics in college. How similar are you to your character?

We have similarities in our characters. ‘Oh-Gi’ falls in love at the first sight of ‘Chae-In,’ and tries athletics he’s terrible at. When I fall in love, I do everything I can for her, so that I don’t get any regrets. That’s how ‘Oh-Gi’ felt for ‘Chae-In.’

- It seems that you have a great focus.

That’s the trait of a Scorpio. I never give up.

- You worked with two directors for the <Return Match>: Kim Yong-Wan and Seon Jong-Hun. Did you have any difficulties with working with two directors?

While director Kim played the role of a father, Seon played the mother. I often saw director Kim pondering on certain things – I would give my opinion to director Seon, and they would discuss together. Then, director Kim would give me directions.

More than anything, I’m thankful for their trust in me. While I still lack in certain places, their trust gave me confidence. I’ve come to love this movie with the thought that this is our movie. I put much thought into each scene, and tried my best for them.

- The director Kim requested that you rate his looks.

His looks depend on his hair style. His true charm is that he makes people feel comfortable – so hope he does not go on a diet. (laughs)

- Did you have any difficulties during the shoot?

It was summer when we shot it, and it was so hot. I tried on swimming cap for the first time, and it bothered me so much. I didn’t expect myself to look so terrible with it on. When I saw myself in the screen, I wanted to hide it. (laughs)

- You probably couldn’t act as you wanted with it on.

I told the director that I couldn’t control my eyes. (laughs)

- How was acting with Jeong Yeon-Ju? You had a kiss scene as well.

Yeon-Ju led me very well. (I’m sorry Yeon-Ju) But I didn’t have time to feel anything. I kissed, slapped and continued on. It dawned on me that night that I had a kiss scene that day.

- Jeong Yeon-Ju plays the older chatacter.

So the director wanted that at the scene as well. After couple scenes, she led me like someone who’s older than me. She was like a pro. Haha.

- Did you have any fun episodes?

The shooting itself was fun. One day we had a Ping-Pong scene, and club members asked me to play against them – without knowing that I’m good at it. I did a betting match with them, and kept winning. They lined up to play with me.

- That seems like a ‘return match’ itself

Yeah. It was so much fun. We mainly shot in Gunpo – one day, I won from a badminton betting match, so the mayor treated me to a dinner.

- I’ve heard that you wanted to work with Uhm Ji-Won. Is it still the same?

In fact, my ideal type used to be Song Yun-Ah, but it has changed to Uhm Ji-Won. But I heard that she has a boyfriend. So I have no one that I want to work with now.

- You picked Shin Ha-Kyun as the actor you want to be like

I watched all his works. He’s so great. Like you love someone with no reason – he’s like that to me. When I did not know anything about acting, I practiced with Shin Ha-Kyun’s lines in his movies. I haven’t met him yet, but he made me want to be an actor.

When I watched ‘Brain,’ I thought that great acting can make someone immersed into the drama. Shin Ha-Kyun makes people look forward to his acting.

- I was surprised to hear that you watch late night movies with your father. It is rare for people your age to hang out with their fathers.

He likes movies a lot – we watched ‘Non-Stop’ together 4 days ago. When we watch the ending credit, we rate the movie. On the way home, we keep talking about the movie with my father. It’s nice to watch the movie together.

- What do your parents think of <Return Match>?

I asked for the objective review, but I think they liked it. They said that they wanted it to be longer, but it was refreshing. They said that I’d be better at playing a calm character.

- It seems that your parents are good supporters.

My father has deep thoughts about acting. As I grow as an actor, perhaps he can appear as a cameo in my movie.

- Do you have a genre you like to watch?

I like all genre, but I prefer genres with a clear purpose. I don’t like something in between – having a clear purpose makes the audience get into it better.

- Do you have a character you want to try?

I’d like to do another movie like this. Through this movie, I felt attracted to movies, and when I get a chance, I’d like to focus on movies.

If you want to read more~


Married Actresses to Sweep Dramas! Lee Bo-Young, Lee Min-Jung, and Kim Hee-Sun

These days, married actresses in their 30s are taking leads in dramas over actresses in their 20s. 

As new series start back to back, who will take the throne of the ratings queen?

◆ 'God’s Gift – 14 Days’ Lee Bo-Young

Lee Bo-Young has returned with SBS’ new drama ‘God’s Gift – 14 Days.’ She plays the TV writer ‘Kim Soo-Hyun,’ a mother who does everything she can to save her daughter.The drama has a very unique setting with the subject of time slip. With 7% of ratings with its first episode, it had a fair start. Lee Bo-Young’s acting as a mother is already getting great reviews. However, since the drama tries to tell many stories, some worry that its focus might be diluted.

◆ 'Cunning Single Lady’ Lee Min-Jung

Lee Min-Jung chose drama as her returning piece after her marriage. She plays the main character ‘Na Ae-Ra,’ a stubborn divorcee who tries to seduce her ex-husband Cha Jeong-Woo (Joo Sang-Wook) who has succeeded as a businessman. Having aired its first and second episodes already, ‘Single Cunning Lady’ shows Lee Min-Jung’s various characters.

With the most comic element among new dramas, ‘Single Cunning Lady’ is expected to gain solid fan base. Perhaps we will see Lee Min-Jung with a wider spectrum of acting at the end.

◆ 'Wonderful Days’ Kim Hee-Sun

After ‘Faith,’ Kim Hee-Sun returned as stubborn ‘Cha Hye-Won’ with KBS’ ‘Wonderful Days.’ She plays the character who jumps into the battle of life as her family collapses.

Kim Hee-Sun will show her different side through the drama by speaking thick dialect and dressing like a man. While some say her acting seems a bit unnatural, the drama has an array of supporting actors who provide great support for her – and it has only been few episode, so it’s to early to tell.

The great feat of actresses in their 30s will bring more pleasure for the viewers, while becoming an opportunity for the actresses to widen their range of acting.


Lovely Spring Look Recommended by Suzy

Spring time is nearing. You might already have many spring outfits, but you will probably crave new clothes for the spring.

Then, how about trying on the lovely look recommended by Suzy? This spring, comfortable sport wear, pastel colors like pink, mint, and blue, and feminine chiffon clothes are expected to be the trend. You can already see spring clothes on the display in clothing stores.

◆ Suggestion 1. Spring = Flower Prints

Flower Prints are essential in spring items. Flower prints will still be the trend this spring. You can see them in dresses, t-shirts, jackets, and on bags.

If you match flower print dress and similar bag, you will look great! If you have a wavy long hair, it would be even better.

◆ Suggestion 2. Field Jacket + Patterned Dress

You will probably have a field jacket in your wardrobe. How about matching a dress to add a feminine side? Rather than simple dresses, it would be better to choose unique patterns. Especially for this year, you can see field jackets with laced patches. Some have been accented with lace, making it look feminine.

You can also match sneakers to make it casual. By the way, if you have a long jacket that goes down below your waist line, it would be better to avoid matching it with dresses.

◆  Suggestion 3. Daring Flower Print Jacket

How about trying flower print jackets this spring? The flower prints on the jacket could make your face brighter. Instead, since the jacket has strong colors, match it with darker clothes to keep a balance.

When you choose flower print jackets, it would be better to avoid those with vivid flowers. Also, they will look totally different when you put them on, so make sure you try them before you buy.